High art in dust bunny country
Art imitates underpants strewn on young boy's bedroom floor
11 January 2025
A dust bunnies lowly point-of-view makes the laundry lovely
At ground level dust bunnies are native to the accidental geography that defines
domestic untidiness; the curves and convolutions of crumpled clothes
draped across chair and floor, the gulches, crevasses, canyons and
gullies in the folds of fallen or discarded towels or sheets, the caves
of gaping socks.
Down here at floor level thoughtlessly discarded laundry takes on the contours of rolling hills with ravines and blind gullies.

I've written more about how a dust bunny's POV transforms the mundane into the monumental here but it's all meant to serve as a briefing backgrounder on backgrounds for the animated dust bunny movie; what we used to call a concept or mood board just to convey the idea.
(I wrote to the Archer tv series producers and asked if I could show their painterly background art too. I got a stern 'no!' Pity, it's lovely.)
Next, death of a vacuum cleaner.