Dust bunnies in the time of Covid

Spring cleaning? Why, just why?

I have Covid-induced Domestic Order Motivational Deficiency syndrome

Under bed dust bunny settlement
Under the bed dust bunnies BC
Dust buunies big CU
Under the bed dust bunnies AC - the MegaBunny variant
It could be worse - dust bunny variants proliferate very enthusiastically
I dusted once
There's only one sensible response

Two dust bunnies, Stour and Rayon, on precipitating a Spring Clean.

Stour put a friendly fibre round Rayon.

‘It’s nothing personal, it’s your colour. You’re just a bit obvious, mate. Motes like you set off the compulsive tidiers no end. They’ll be about you with all manner of vile instruments – brushes, dusters, mops, damp cloths, anti-static cloths, aerosols and sprays, 1500-watt vacuum cleaners.

They want you gone and they have the technology to do it. I’ve seen whole rooms sucked clean of dust bunnies in minutes and the air smelling fresher than a citrus-scented, pine-fresh sea breeze blowing across summer meadow flowers.

Horrible, horrible. All that barren neatness.’